Hunter Lawrence lesionado

Hunter Lawrence piloto da Geico/Honda anunciou em sua rede social que ele estará assistindo as corridas do lado de fora por um período indeterminado de tempo depois de sofrer uma lesão em um acidente durante os treinos de ontem. Parece que o piloto terá que passar por uma cirurgia. Desejamos a ele uma rápida recuperação!


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Hey guys, so a freak accident happened yesterday whilst i was out training and we had something break in the engine at the top of a jump upramp and locked up, by the time i let go of the handlebars i was already lawn darting into the ground 🎯, my team pulled apart the engine asap and what we found was a freak accident and what part broke we normally run for 100 hours and this part only had 3 hrs on it! So it wasn’t my teams fault we are digging to the bottom of it to prevent this happening again, thankyou to my team for supporting me in times like this and everyone else who rides this rollercoaster of a sport with me, as of now we are unsure of the time frame i am out for but getting checked up today, most likely surgery is required, so sorry guys i’m speechless, good luck to my team mates this weekend, put those red rockets out front 💪🏽 #mirtztillithurtz #ithurtz #maddogdown #miloracing 📸- @crunch724 / @lebigusa

Uma publicação compartilhada por Hunter Lawrence (@hunterlawrence) em



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